Creator of LaraAdmin and major Contributor to its Philosophy, Development & documentation. Founder of Dwij IT Solutions - Innovative Web & Mobile Development Company in Pune, India.

Laravel Admin Panel
Easy to install ,
Effortless to customize.
A Simple and Fast way to built Admin Panel
in Laravel as well as a CRM...
Laravel CRM
Flexible yet powerful !
LaraAdmin is a remarkable package offering you a complete set of utilities you will ever need as a CRM / Admin Panel. Whether creating a CMS, Backend Panel or CRM - LaraAdmin's unique and flexible utilities has you covered.

Build Laravel Web Applications faster than ever
LaraAdmin is a Laravel Admin Panel which controls your Models, Data and their Role Permissions with no coding at all, giving you state of a art focus towards Data representation than Data Handling.
Check InstallationMajor Features
Module Manager
Module Manager can create new Module with CRUD's' as well as allows to edit Table Schema with Advanced Data Types. It also features Access Control for given Module to give access to Roles. Field sorting enables sorted form fields.
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CRUD Generation
LaraAdmin generated CRUD's are very elegant and highly customisable. It generates Views, Model, Controller, Migrations and test case. It can even generate reverse migrations from database Schema for future references.
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Uploads Manager
Uploads Manager allows you to manage your file & images at ease. It also protects your files with layer of access control and file settings whether you want your application to share these images outside system or not.
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Menu Manager
Menu Manager helps in managing menus without going into the code. You can either use Modules as Menu item or you can create custom menus with icons from Font-Awesome. Hierarchy of menu can give you extra mile to create sections.
Configurations allows you to set various themes and layout options. It also allow setting site name and default outgoing email address.
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Roles & Access
We have used package Zizaco/Entrust for creation Role Permissions. Also we have created Modular Access for Roles which allow Module View, Edit, Delete Accesses.
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Field Access
Like Module Access for Roles you can customize Module Field access like Invisible, Read-Only & Write.
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Code Editor
Our Online Code Editor is Optional Package and its made from Ace Editor. It allows SuperAdmin to edit the Modules online for corrections saving lot of time in debugging. Read More...
Get all this and lot more for free.
Its open-source.
You can contribute too by reporting issues or by developing functionalities.

Ganesh Bhosale

Ganesh Khade
Contributed to LaraAdmin with excellent idea's, philosophies and usability analysis over the period.

Santiago Lozano
Contributed to LaraAdmin by building Functionalities and fixing issues. Major contribution in UI building for usability.

Twaambo Haamucenje